Your Cake Smash Session at Francesca Weeks Photography
What is a Cake Smash?
A Cake Smash is a session, normally done at a child's first birthday, in which I photograph a child smashing a cake. It is as simple as that. Here are Francesca Weeks Photography, I like to add 2 extra elements though; portraits and the splash element at the end.

The Portraits
A typical cake smash session with me, starts with a few portraits. Normally, parents bring an outfit for their bubba to wear at the start of the session. This is before we show them the cake (Normally the outfit stays clean, except maybe for a little dribble). I take a few portrait shots, maybe some close ups. I try to capture the character of your baby! These timeless portraits will look great hung all around your house, or given as gifts to your relatives!

The Cake smash
Then it is time for the main event! The cake smash itself! My session prices include the cake and backdrop decorations, so you don't have to worry about a thing! I will have the cake smash outfit ready as well, from tutus to nappy covers, I have a range to suit most. If I don't have what you wish for, I can always order in something new. This is all part of my bespoke service.

Not all babies actually want to smash the cake...
Unfortunately, this is true, as much as we (well I) would love for every baby to face plant the cake, this doesn't happen in all sessions. Some babies are just a bit more apprehensive, I mean, when was the last time anyone gave them A WHOLE CAKE. Some babies just are more shy by nature. But there are those bubbas who do smash the cake, knock it over, smear icing all over the place. You don't know what is going to happen, until the session itself.

But have no fear!
I will make it look like your baby has had the best time, has smashed the cake, loved life, the works! The best thing about having a baby who won't smash the cake is... YOU GET TO TAKE THE CAKE HOME. No one wants to eat cake that has been smashed to smithereens, so take the positives where they come!

Ofcourse, giving your baby a sugar rush is far from what I intend. I don't actually let the babies eat much of the cake. We merely pull a part the cake at various stages, ensuring fabulous photos!
Time to Splash!
Lastly, the splash element. I find that this part is the bit that babies love the most! Splashing around with bubbles, a rubber duck... what would be better right? I often see the biggest smiles when the baby is in the tub. It is almost guaranteed to bring out the most introverted of babies. (I already know what you're thinking- do you need to bring a towel? Answer- no of course not! I will have a towel ready!) Thankfully, once your baby has had a splash around, you get to take home a clean baby!

Does your baby have allergies? Fear not! I am happy to cater for allergies. We can either use an alternative food source, such as jelly, or I can provide a free from cake. I have already had more then one session where the baby has had allergies. Email me or contact me for all enquiries!
How long is the session?
The sessions take place in my home studio in Bromley. The whole session lasts between 45 minutes to an hour, sometimes the longer sessions are where we have waited to let bubba settle into the environment. It may be the first time that they have been confronted by a huge light and someone that they have never met before, sticking a camera in their face. I like to get to know the baby before the session starts, let them get their bearings. Some sessions the babies have wanted to kiss me, others want to sit in my lap, I am yet to meet a baby who doesn't like me (touch wood).

Colour Scheme
So what colours to go for? Or should you choose a theme? Start by thinking where you'd like to hang the pictures. What is your house like? Are they to go into your baby's themed nursery? Or a themed playroom? Or would you prefer neutral colours so that you can hang them anywhere in your house? My most common requested colours are grey and pink or grey and blue. But I have done a few Peter Rabbit sessions. Enquire for advice! I'm happy to discuss your session and give any input that you ask for!

You can book in a cake smash session at any time for your baby. Think about when you'd like the images ready for, as they take 2-3 weeks to process. Would you like them ready for your baby's first birthday, or would you prefer to have the session when your baby actually is one?
To book or for more information, fill out the form on my contact page, email me at or call me on 07908765557.
For more information about a cake smash session with me, including pricing, see my cake smash session page.