My Birth Story- Part 1- clumsy and pregnant

Once upon a time, I was a big fat pregnant woman who just wanted to go to the bank, to deposit a cheque. I parked my car up the street and began the short walk to Nationwide. Beckenham had turned into a building site, so there were barriers up everywhere. Clumsy me went to walk down off of the pavement, to walk around said barriers, appeared to miss the very obvious yellow wheelchair ramp and I tripped, landing on all fours. Realising that I had caused quite a stir, I leapt to my feet, muttering that I was ok, and proceeded to head to the bank. After I had successfully completed my visit, I texted my partner to let him know what had happened.
Luckily, my very concerned partner told me to go and get checked, so I headed to Beckenham Beacon (carefully this time!). After a long wait and a doctor check up, I was given the all clear, and headed home. It seemed I had got away with just a scraped knee.
Several hours later, night time approached, so my partner and I headed up to bed. (WARNING: the following story is a complete TMI story, but pregnancy is far from glamorous). I was bleeding and it wasn’t showing signs of stopping. I rang the midwives and was told to come in to be checked. Like batman, my partner lept into action, grabbing the keys to our car and preparing a few bits ready for a hospital visit.
I was monitored for what felt like forever, but better safe then sorry! Eventually I was seen by a doctor, who did a test to check whether or not my waters had broken. To our dismay, this was the case, our baby was desperately trying to come into the world, much sooner then planned!

This led to being admitted into hospital, the last thing I wanted, especially when I was supposed to be working the next day! My little peanut needed to stay put, the baby (we didn't find out whether the baby was a boy or girl) needed time to grow, surely we wouldn't have a baby tonight! At only 34 weeks pregnant, all of this came as quite a shock... I was contracting, but feeling no pain, and I've heard (and now experienced) that there is a lot of pain!
To give my baby the best chance (I'm pretty sure that they knew she'd be premature) I had to stay at hospital to have steroid injections to help baby's lungs develop. I had no hospital bag packed, no clothes ready for bubba, I felt so unprepared. Luckily, my partner raced home to get us a bag of essentials. Now, let me tell you a little bit about the maternity ward at the Princess Royal University Hospital...
You are surrounded by blue curtains, IT IS HOT, it is easiest to sleep during the day, other people's babies keep you awake, it is BORING, pre-baby you are desperate to have your baby, choose the jacket potato if you want hot food, you never feel clean, BRING EXTRA PILLOWS AND PARACETAMOL... Oh, and pay for parking on the app- so much easier!

I spent most of the night bouncing on a yoga ball, but my contractions soon tailed off. Other than a midday scan to check the fluid around bubba, we spent the day twiddling our thumbs, and promptly left at 2am the next night, following my second dose of steroids.
Getting home, after the short stay in hospital, was heaven. Our big bed! The temperature! The shower! I'm not sure what I enjoyed the most!

The following day, I refused to settle until we had our hospital bag ready and everything done for the house. My nesting nature was setting in. After spending far too long on google, I had read that once your waters break, your baby is likely to show his or her face within 8 days. That is not a long time at all... Once chilled and relaxed with out 6 week prep time, I was now manic and crazy with an up to 8 day time span... Cue nuts pregnant woman behaviour.
Luckily, my ever pleasing partner obliged. He drove us to mamas and papas and mothercare to stock up on all things baby-related. I was obsessed with needing changing mats (because of course, they are absolute essentials that were needed right at that moment) as well as kitting out an entire bag with clothes, snacks and other miscellaneous items. All of this shopping built our appetites, so we headed for a cheeky Nandos...
End of part 1... Part 2 will be released tomorrow!
What was your birth story like? Who else's waters broke early? Would anyone like to have their birth story featured in my blog? - get in touch! Email me at: