5 babies and CPR
Newborn photography is an art.
Every tiny hand movement, well positioned cloth and fluffy wool layer, has been thought through by the photographer, to create the perfect image. With several ways to swaddle and 5 names per pose, newborn photographers are constantly learning and adapting as they find their style and progress with popular trends. Lighting is key to perfectly highlight their delicate little baby faces, whilst styling and colour choice make the images cohesive in your home. I recently decided to develop my own skill set, following one year in business, by attending NPF London 2017.

The Newborn Photography Forum, based in North London, held by Russ Jackson Photography. With two additional, amazing teachers (Lauren Bennett of LSP photography and Bianca Hubble of Axsys Design) we studied for 2 days solid. Over the course of one weekend, we practiced using 5 baby models, and a variety of props, wraps and backdrops, with some stunning results. The very informative days provided an amazing insight into different workflows and styles from photographers who I personally admire. I'm excited to input many of the techniques learnt, into my future baby photography.
One key feature of the weekend, that I was really looking forward to, was the paediatric first aid certification. Newborns are so fragile that I felt that it was pertinent for me to attend a first aid course, in case a medical emergency were to occur in my studio. This section was ran by medic mums, who gave an informative lesson, covering; basic life support, AED, choking, anaphylaxis and burns.

Once the course had ended, we received, what I can only describe as, a joyful goodie bag! Christmas had come early, with a selection of treats from popular vendors, including; Cwtchi Coo, newborn cloud, mimis creations, LSP, unique newborn props, modest little me boutique, newborn prop shop, busy bee studio and freebird. I would just like to say a little thank you for all of your generous offerings!